Heart organ bioprinting

We are developing novel developmentally-inspired approaches to heart organ bioprinting aimed at enhancing tissue maturation.

A. Pramanick, et al. 4D bioprinting shape-morphing tissues in granular support hydrogels: Sculpting structure and guiding maturation. In review, 2024. doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.09.606830

AI-powered bioprinting

We are developing 3D printers with integrated computer vision and closed-loop process controllers powered by convolutional neural networks and reinforcement learning.

Vasileios Sergis, Daniel Kelly, et al. In-situ quality monitoring during embedded bioprinting using integrated microscopy and classical computer vision. In review, 2024. doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.10.507420

Developmentally-inspired bioprinting

During development, organs emerge through dynamic morphogenetic processes that sculpt their final shape, composition, and function. We are exploring how morphogenetic behaviours can be induced in organoid models using bioprinting technology.

A. C. Daly, et al. Bioprinting for the Biologist. Cell, 184(1), 18–32. (2021).

Bioprinting high cell-density tissues

A major challenge has been recapitulating the high-cell density of native tissues and organs. We have developed a bioprinting approach to transfer spheroids into self-healing support hydrogels at high resolution, which enables their patterning and fusion into high-cell density microtissues of prescribed spatial organization.

A. C. Daly, et al. 3D bioprinting of high cell-density heterogeneous tissue models through spheroid fusion within self- healing hydrogels. Nature Communications, 12(753), 1–13. (2021).

Granular hydrogels for bioprinting

Granular hydrogels formed from packing microgels have several desirable properties for biofabrication (shear-thinning, self-healing, and adaptable due to mixing of discrete populations). We are exploring how particle shape and density can influence suspension bath bioprinting, and cellular morphogenesis.